Do Different Chiropractors Specialize in Different Back Issues?

Unfortunately, back issues are some of the most common ailments that a person can deal with. To make matters worse, they’re not always easy to recover from. While some back issues clear up on their own relatively quickly, others tend to linger, leading ongoing pain and possibility reduced mobility.

Continue reading to learn if there are different types of chiropractors that specialize in different back issues.

Types of Back Problems

People who suffer from back issues often see a specialist known as a chiropractor for their symptoms. Since back issues affect people differently, it only makes sense that the treatment is tailored to suit the individual needs of the patient.

What Is a Chiropractor?

It’s important that you have an understanding of what a chiropractor is and how they can benefit someone with back pain. Some people think that chiropractors are similar to a masseuse. While chiropractors do perform specific types of massages, their realm of medical knowledge and technique far more extensive.

A masseuse primarily focuses on muscles and soft tissues whereas a chiropractor focuses solely on the spine. Chiropractic care can relieve more than just simple back pain. It can also help treat other medical issues like joint disorders, ligament pain and strain, reduced neck flexibility and even headaches.

What Are The Risks?

As beneficial as chiropractic care can be, it may not be suited for everyone. There are some medical conditions that can be worsened by chiropractic treatment.

For instance, if you suffer from osteoporosis or numbness in your upper or lower extremities, you cannot have undergone chiropractic treatment. In addition, people suffering from the conditions below should never have chiropractic treatment unless it’s cleared by the family physician. Possible complications associated with chiropractic treatment include – Disk herniation or exacerbation of previous disk herniations. – Nerve compression at various levels within the spinal column. The nerves located on the lower spine can become compressed and cauda equina syndrome. – Vertebral artery dissection, which can cause specific stroke after manipulation of the neck. Always consult your primary healthcare provider prior to receiving chiropractic care. As stated above, as effective as chiropractic care is, there are times when it should be avoided.

What Are The Benefits of Going to a Chiropractor?

Don’t let the risks scare you into not getting chiropractic treatment. There are plenty of benefits to seeing a chiropractor. Once cleared medically, some of the benefits that come with chiropractic care include:– An increase in your range of motion – It can expedite the recovery process – Improved sleep quality – Your immune system will be strengthened – Mood booster – May slow the progression of certain inflammatory conditions arthritis and degenerative disc disease – Improved blood flow due to an increase in circulation.

Who is an Eligible Candidate?

Along with any kind of treatment, you must be considered a suitable candidate for chiropractic care. Being deemed a suitable candidate simply means that there are no clear contraindications to receiving treatment. Some of the most suitable candidates for treatment include otherwise healthy individuals who suffer from chronic neck and back pain, migraines, muscle, and joint aches and reduced flexion and extension due to injury.

What You Can Expect

Before receiving chiropractic care, the chiropractor is going to need a full recap of your medical history. Once they’ve obtained that information, they’ll then perform a physical examination. After the exam is completed, the treatment will begin. As we previously mentioned, chiropractic care is similar to a massage, but it’s a little more intense and primarily focuses on target areas.

Now is the time to answer the question that was asked in the beginning. The truth is that there is no specific type of chiropractor that only focuses on certain back problems. On one hand, one can consider chiropractic care as a jack-of-all-trades when it comes to back issues.

However, most chiropractors do specialize in one form of treatment or another. Some chiropractors may focus on spinal mobilization while others focus exclusively on myofascial release. In addition, some chiropractors may see patients from all walks of life while others only treat sports-related injuries.

Final Thoughts

In the end, the choice of whether or not you want chiropractic care is ultimately up to you. If you’ve received medical clearance and would like to know more about chiropractic care, contact us to schedule an appointment at 205-637-1363.

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