Do Chiropractic Adjustments Hurt?

Do Chiropractic Adjustments Hurt?

Manual adjustment therapies are frequently performed by chiropractic doctors to address spinal subluxations or misaligned areas of the spine. During this process, controlled pressure is used to gently finesse displaced vertebrae back into their intended positions. Each purposeful movement can provide improvements in both the positioning and the functioning of the spine. More often than not, patients who receive these therapies are able to achieve rapid and natural pain relief, increased mobility, and other functional and health-related benefits. Best of all, these and other hands-on chiropractic therapies are generally painless. Although these efforts offer a non-invasive alternative to surgery and prescription pain medications in many instances, some patients are still concerned about the level of discomfort that spinal adjustment entails.

In instances in which spinal subluxations are placing extraordinary pressure on key nerves, such as the sciatic nerve, this therapy can promote rapid, considerable, and lasting relief. Moreover, adjustment therapies can be performed by hand, or they can be computer-assisted. With computer-assisted adjustments, the process can be faster, more precise, and less intimidating for some patients. Chiropractic doctors often offer a vast range of treatment options for those with moderate to severe alignment issues. Thus, even when functional and structural problems such as spinal subluxations and pinched nerves, exist, there is always the ability to have these issues naturally corrected in the chiropractic setting without relying entirely on manual or computer-assisted adjustment techniques.

Why Chiropractic Adjustments Are A Preferred Therapy Among Chiropractic Doctors

Spinal adjustment therapies allow chiropractic doctors to address a multitude of problems right at their source. The spine functions as both the central supporting structure for the entire body and the information highway by which critical messages are passed between the nerves and the brain. When jarring events such as slip and fall accidents or car crashes cause the vertebrae to shift out of place, this communication is disrupted, and related functions, processes, and actions can fail. For instance, severe spinal subluxations and the resulting changes in nerve to brain communication can cause:

  • Lowered immune system functioning
  • Chemical imbalances
  • Mood swings
  • Sleep troubles
  • Hormonal fluctuations
  • Sharp, shooting pains
  • Chronic headaches
  • Stress in surrounding muscle groups due to overcompensation

Subluxations of the spine are also a common cause of neck, back, and shoulder pain. They are even a primary source of both recurring headaches and recurring migraines. By correcting these structural problems, your chiropractic doctor can provide natural relief. During this process, patients are asked to relax, much like they would before a massage or ahead of any other touch-based or hands-on therapy. The more relaxed that you are when receiving adjustments; the more effective and comfortable the process will ultimately be. If you are tense, nervous, and fearful, the rigidity of your muscles and overall posture can make the process more challenging.

There are also secondary therapies that can be performed ahead of adjustments to make this process more comfortable and easy. For instance, your chiropractor can use therapeutic massage to gently release stiff, sore muscles throughout the injured area. Certain muscle groups have to work much harder when spinal subluxations exist and this causes a noticeable build-up in local tension. Relaxing these muscles can expedite the process of returning displaced vertebrae to their rightful positions. Inversion table therapy can also be used to this same end. With these treatments, the body is partially or fully inverted so that the spine is elongated, and so that the movement of compressed and displaced disks becomes seamless and pain-free. Ultrasound therapies can also be used to quickly reduce any existing pain and inflammation across the treatment zone.

Chiropractic treatments are often multi-pronged. Although spinal adjustments may lie at the heart of this care, these techniques are frequently supplemented with other therapies for expediting both natural relief and rapid, natural healing. Moreover, chiropractors offer individualized and needs-specific solutions to each and every patient. Many treatment plans additionally include recommendations for lifestyle changes that might further facilitate natural healing. Due to this fact, adjustment therapies can play a lesser or greater role in the overall recovery process depending upon the condition and circumstances of the individual. With access to such a broad range of treatment options, countless people have been able to achieve increased mobility and greater comfort through chiropractic care. If you’re ready to experience the many benefits of chiropractic adjustment and care, call our office now at 205-637-1363.

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